3 Tier Deluxe Rosette



5 Tier Deluxe with Stars

Classic Winners Rosettes

These rosettes are ideal for Horse or dog show winners of Best in Show or Champion.

Large rosettes specially made for Best in Show, Champion and high achievement awards they make a big statement well worth winning. They are packed with ribbon and innovation which we are constantly up dating. if you require a special ribbon let us know as we are in regular contact with the ribbon manufacturers.

Dog show rosettes can be printed with all your class winners such as Best Dog, Reserve Best Bitch and Best Puppy etc.
The horse show rosettes can be printed with Supreme Champion, Champion etc.
All centres printed with your show or club name should you require a motif or logo there may be an extra charge, please

email for details.

You can upgrade to your personal requirements with longer or wider tails, your sponsors or special message can be printed on the tail, additional star points. Should you require a special rosette which is a little different from the ordinary, we hold stock of a large range of colours, styles and widths of ribbon to enable us to make of a wide variety of rosettes. Need something a little special? Why not include some star points or spotted ribbon in your rosette see the menu of different elements in the extras page on the web site.

We are happy to help you in all aspects of designing and ordering. It can be a daunting task for both the experienced and novice organisers of shows

Ribbon Colours

P.O. Red Royal Blue Yellow Emerald Green      Orange     Purple Black
Cherry Kingfisher Blue Lemon Bottle Green Brown Magenta White
Dark Pink Cambridge Blue         Cream      Apple/Lime     Apricot/Peach        Lilac


Dark Gold      

Light Pink      Light Blue                Turquoise Silver Light Gold      

Deluxe 1 Tier

A king size rosette made from a combination
of 38mm Ruffle pleated Satin ribbon,
58mm Centre.
This makes it a much larger than average rosette.
A magnificent rosette at a small price

£1.10 each

Deluxe 2 Tier

A king size rosette made from a combination
of 25mm and 38mm Ruffle pleated Satin ribbon,
58mm Centre.
This makes it a much larger rosette.Made with a combination of 35mm and 24mm ribbon.

£1.50 each

Deluxe 3 Tier

king size rosette made from a combination
of 25mm and 38mm Ruffle pleated Satin ribbon,
58mm Centre.
This makes it a much larger rosette.Made with a combination of 35mm and 24mm ribbon.

£2.10 each

Deluxe 4 Tier

A king size rosette made from a combination
of 25mm and 38mm Ruffle pleated Satin ribbon,
58mm Centre.
This makes it a much larger rosette.Made with a combination of 35mm and 24mm ribbon.

£3.20 each

1 Row of stars can be added for

£0.85 each.

Rosette illustrated
Deluxe 4 Tier with 1 row star points £4.05

Deluxe 5 Tier

A king size rosette made from a combination
of 25mm and 38mm Ruffle pleated Satin ribbon,
58mm Centre.
This makes it a much larger rosette.Made with a combination of 35mm and 24mm ribbon.

£4.30 each

1 Row of stars or a card star can be added for

£0.85 each.

Rosette illustrated
Deluxe 5 Tier with 2 row star points £5.15


Created by Microprint

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Classic Rosettes © 2016